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【托福6月3日机经】toefl预测|托福考试预测 完整汇总版

2019/12/25 18:13:29发布187次查看
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托福综合口语话题:school facility
托福综合口语阅读要点:学校出公告要建一个housing office for off-campus
1. on-campus的dorm已经overcrowded。
2. 2.新生不熟悉本地环境,这个office正好帮助他们。
问总结女生观点托福综合口语范文:the university announcement says that a housing office will be established to help students find places to live off campus. in the conversation the girl thinks that this is a great idea. she says that currently the dorm building on campus is overcrowded so if students want to find somewhere nice to live, they have to look for it outside the campus. a housing office will definitely provide the needed help. also, the office will provide useful information in and around the local area. this is something new students in particular need the most. sothey are going to welcome this decision.(102 words)
托福综合口语话题:community service
托福综合口语阅读要点:建议给premedical school的头一年学生,让他们在头一年去社区yiyuan或者小诊所做volunteer work。原因有两个:1) 可以让他们更早的积攒经验和熟悉医疗的procedure 2)premedical学生第四年本来也要求做实习,这样他们第四年可以不那么紧张。
托福综合口语听力要点:然后两个人针对这个讨论,sam是这个学院的学生,他认为:写这篇文章的人一定是头一年的学生,因为他不了解premedical school的structure,因为这是preclinical离clinical还很远,他们主要学一些基础临床医学知识,为medical school学习做准备,那些社区yiyuan的医疗procedure经验和他们的学习不相关,第四年他们要忙着申请medical school,所以不相关。
托福综合口语范文:there is a proposal that the first year students in the premedical school should do volunteer work in the community or small clinics. on one hand, they can accumulate experience and be familiar with the medical procedures and on the other hand, it’ll be less intensive in the fourth year when they are taking internship. the speaker disagrees with the proposal. there are two reasons. firstly, he thinks who proposes this must be a first year student who has little knowledge of the structure in the premedical school. and also preclinical experience gained from community hospital is far from clinical. moreover, they are busy applying for medical school on the fourth year, and the experience is nothing related. (118 words)
托福综合口语阅读要点:definition: specialization dietary, meaning animals only live on one source of food
托福综合口语听力要点:example: koalas live on only one kind of trees, which are poisonous to other animals. this way other animals won’t fight for food with koalas, and thus help them to survive, but due to the construction of more buildings and roads, this trees are decreasing, so it’s getting dangerous to koalas.
托福综合口语范文:specialization dietary describes a biological phenomenon when a species of animals live merely on one single source of food. mostly, specialization dietary enables the species to have less competition in the food source, but if the source of food is threatened, this animal species is in danger as well. 
the professor talked about the example of koala. according to the professor, koala live on only one kind of trees, which are poisonous to other animals. this way other animals won’t fight for food with koalas, and it thus helps them to survive. but due to the construction of more buildings and roads, these trees are decreasing, so it’s getting dangerous to koalas. (112 words) 托福综合口语话题:business
托福综合口语阅读要点:1.business class讲lateral view(侧面观点),就是从一个新的观点来看问题。 
托福综合口语听力要点:1.教授举了一个例子:一个经昔宾馆的人老遭到顾客抱怨说等电梯时间太长。然后经理先去找了电梯生产商,发现解决问题成本太高。然后他的员工给提意见说可以在电梯前装个电视,顾客就不觉得无聊了。问题让你用此例来说明lateral view.
托福综合口语范文:the reading passage introduces a term called “lateral view”, which means a view that is non-traditional, involving ideas that could help solve a problem in creative ways. in the lecture, the professor gives an example to further explain this term. a businessman operates a hotel but he often receives complaints from its customers because they have to wait a long time for the elevator. the man comes to the elevator manufacturer, but finds that resolving this issue would cost a huge amount of money. however, his employees proposes a different solution. they suggest installing a television on the exterior of the elevator, so customers could watch some video while waiting for the elevator, which would not be so boring.this proves to be clever solution and a good example of how ( words)

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